
Questions? Our Research Tutors Have Answers!

By Lisa Forrest

Pictured above: Victoria Freeman ‘16, Dana Holloway ‘18, Samantha Rosen ‘17, Gretha Suarez ‘15,  Tanapat (Ice) Treyanurak '17, Eliana Zupcich ‘18

If you’ve been in the library this semester, chances are you’ve noticed a few fresh faces at the Info@Burke Desk.  LITS is pleased to announce the launch of our Research Tutor Program, which currently employs six Hamilton students in assisting their peers with basic library research.  Students were chosen for these positions based on recommendations from faculty, combined with evidence of strong research skills. 

Our tutors have been busy training along side the Research Librarians in preparation for independent work next semester.  In addition to serving late night and weekend hours at the desk, research tutors will be available by appointment and for specialized workshops in the library or across campus. 

Tutors will provide workshops to groups of students on topics such as research starting points, citation tips, RefWorks,  identifying types of sources, and more. 

Interested in requesting a workshop or individual consultation? Please contact Glynis Asu, Research & Instructional Support Librarian, at gasu@hamilton.edu or Lisa Forrest, Director of Research & Instruction, at lforrest@hamilton.edu.   And don’t forget to stop by the desk and say hello to our friendly tutors!

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