  • The  Associated Press, in an article titled “SPIN METER: ‘Middle Class’ turns fuzzy in politics,” quoted Professor of Sociology Dennis Gilbert, author of The American Class Structure in an Age of Growing Inequality. Appearing in hundreds of news outlets in print and online on July 18 and 19, the article addressed how politicians use the term “middle class” and how their definitions vary.

  • WAMC/Northeast Public Radio in Albany will feature a reading by Professor of Sociology Dennis Gilbert on Monday, March 5, as part of the public radio station’s Academic Minute. During his reading, Gilbert examines exactly who is considered middle class, pointing out that there are many definitions.

  • “Every indicator we have shows that the country is becoming more and more unequal,” said Professor of Sociology Dennis Gilbert in an interview with a New York Post reporter for a Nov. 14 article. In “Class dismissed: Why middle income jobs are not coming back,” Gilbert continued, “When people are asked which class they belong to … the bulk of the population says middle class, as they have since WWII.”

  • The eighth edition of Professor of Sociology Dennis Gilbert’s The American Class Structure in an Age of Growing Inequality has been published by Sage Publications.

  • A seventh edition of The American Class Structure in an Age of Growing Inequality (Pine Forge Press) by Professor of Sociology Dennis Gilbert was published in January, 2008.  In the book Gilbert analyzes trends in income, wealth, earnings, occupation, housing, child rearing, social mobility and politics to reveal a consistent pattern of growing social inequality in the United States since the early 1970s. Why, Gilbert asks, is this happening? His answer rests on factors as varied as globalization and shifting patterns of American family life.


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