  • Students participating in the fall 2012 New York City Program were fortunate to receive a private tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Sept. 5 as their first outing of the semester.  The excursion was guided by Richard Turnbell, chair of the Department of Art History at FIT.  The current program, led by Professor of Economics Christophre Georges, has 15 participants.

  • The Great Recession left a deep mark on the American economy, most notably on the labor market. While this market is recovering, progress is very slow and many Americans remain in search of a job. Furthermore, current labor market trends are highly unexpected, leaving many economists looking for a definitive explanation. Mihai Dohotaru ’13, a recipient of a Summer Levitt Research Fellowship Grant, will work toward the answer with Professor of Economics Christophre Georges over the course of his project “The Housing Bubble and the U.S. Labor Market after the ‘Great Recession.’”

  • Professor of Economics Chris Georges presented a paper, "A Hedonic Approach to Product Innovation in an Agent-Based Macroeconomic Model," at the 15th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance in Sydney, Australia, in July. The paper develops an approach to product innovation suitable for very large scale agent-based macroeconomic modeling.


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