  • Growing up, Kristy Huddleston ’18 watched in frustration as the forests that surrounded her rural home were destroyed, making way for cul-de-sacs and other trademarks of suburbia. “Watching the area around my home change so drastically made me more aware of humans and their effects on the world around them, a topic that has since been a strong interest of mine,” said Huddleston.

  • Years from now, after she completes medical school in the U.S, Risper Kirui ’19 hopes to return to Kenya and practice medicine in her home country. This summer, she is a student intern at a hospital in Kenya.

  • Valery Danilack '06, a biochemistry and dance double major, earned a master's degree in public health from Yale before earning a Ph.D. in epidemiology from Brown University. Valery conducts research at the Women & Infants Hospital in Rhode Island and at the Brown University School of Public Health.

  • This summer, Kaia Miller ’18 is working in the Silverman lab at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in the Division of Infectious Disease, studying the immune responses and pathways in Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies). Her internship is supported by the Sandra Solomon Internship Fund, managed by the Career Center.

  • Associate Professor of Chemistry Adam Van Wynsberghe presented an invited seminar titled “Development of a multi-scale sampling methodology to examine the favored ligand binding pathways of influenza neuraminidase” at Union College on May 12.

  • Sharif Shrestha ’17 is one of five students who will be recognized at the opening plenary session of the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U), April 1 through 3, at the University of California, Berkeley.

  • Seven Hamilton students have been selected to attend the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) that will take place in April 1-3 at the University of California, Berkeley. Aleksandra Bogoevska ’17, Andy Chen ’16, Leonard Kilekwang ’16, Alexandru Hirsu ’17, Emily Moschowits ’16, Sharif Shrestha ’17 and Tsion Tesfaye ’16 will attend. Shrestha and Tesfaye were among four Hamilton students who participated in last year’s CGI U in Miami.

  • Katherine (Katie) Guzzetta ’18 is spending her summer in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar, studying Propithecus edwardsi, a lemur native to the island nation. Madagascar is famous for the endangered creatures, primates that look  like a cross between a cat,  squirrel and dog. Guzzetta, an intended biochemistry major, is undertaking this research under Dr. Patricia Wright, head of Centre ValBio and professor at Stony Brook University. 

  • Sharif Shrestha ’17 is staying on campus this summer working with assistant professor Max Majireck on a project at the crossroads of biological chemistry, education, economics and entrepreneurship.

  • Ken A. Dill, Distinguished Professor of Physics & Chemistry at Stony Brook University, will visit campus this Thursday and Friday, Dec. 4-5, as the college's second Robert S. Morris Class of 1976 Visiting Fellow. Dill, a member of the National Academy of Sciences who has been honored with numerous prestigious awards in his field, will present two lectures, "The Deep Innovation Engine of Science in America" at 4 p.m. on Thursday and "A Physical Chemist's Look at How Cells Grow and Evolve" on Friday at 3 p.m. 


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