  • Associate Professor of Hispanic and Women's Studies Susan Sanchez-Casal is co-author of Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul, with Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Health Communications, Inc., August, 2005). Sanchez-Casal says, "While respecting the inspirational formula, Latino Soul tells stories about Latino histories and experiences in the U.S., stories that very much need to be told and listened to. It speaks to the difficult and miraculous experiences of our daily lives, in a way that also brings visibility to and celebrates the diversity of Latino life in the United States today." In addition to editing the volume, Sánchez-Casal wrote two of the stories "Don't Do It Willy!" and "Vengo del mar."

  • Susan Sanchez-Casal, associate professor of Spanish, is co-editor of 21st Century Feminist Classrooms: Pedagogies of Identity and Difference (with Amie Macdonald, formerly of Hamilton's philosophy department). The book is part of the series, Comparative Feminist Studies, whose general editor is Hamilton College Professor of Women's Studies Chandra Talpade Mohanty. The volume is a tribute to the feminist legacy at Hamilton, since the book also features an important essay on queer theory by Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz, Margaret Bundy Scott Professor of Comparative Literature and director of the Kirkland Project.

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