  • Income from tuition, room and board provides 65 percent of the cost of a Hamilton education. The difference — a full 35 percent — is made up by gifts from alumni, parents and friends, both contributions made this year and income from the endowment.

  • With Hamilton's already high rate of student retention increasing still further, part of a trustee's new $1 million donation is being used to increase the College's housing capacity. Hamilton plans to use approximately two-thirds of the gift from 1971 graduate and Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees Jeff Little to convert four first-floor lounges in the Bundy East and West Residence Halls into apartment-style residences for a total of 16 students

  • A second anonymous donor has recently stepped forward with a million-dollar gift to Hamilton College, this time to replace the field at Steuben Field with an artificial grass surface. The college's Board of Trustees approved moving ahead with the project once all funding is secured.

  • For the second time in as many weeks, Hamilton College is announcing notification of a million-dollar donation.  The most recent gift, $1 million from an anonymous donor, will establish an endowment to provide need-based scholarships for students who qualify for financial aid.

  • The Hamilton College Town-Gown Fund Committee has awarded nine grants totaling $44,720 to local educational, public safety and other community organizations in the Town of Kirkland. The money distributed represents a record for the Town-Gown Fund, which has invested more than $236,000 in the local community over the past eight years.

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