  • Penny Watras Dana K'78, P'13,'17 was named the Jeff Little ’71 Volunteer of the Year during Fallcoming/Family Weekend festivities. The award was presented by Alumni Association President Gordon Kaye ’74 at Friday’s dinner.

  • Melissa Joyce-Rosen '86 received the College’s Volunteer of the Year Award at a recognition dinner on Oct. 2 during Fallcoming activities. Joyce-Rosen served as president of Hamilton’s Alumni Association from 2003-2006.

  • Hamilton's annual Fallcoming took place Oct. 1-4, with numerous activities to suit every interest. Among highlights were the dedication of the newly expanded Kirner-Johnson Building and open houses at the learning centers there.

  • Paul Peterzell '58 was honored early this month as volunteer of the year by Marin County, California. Peterzell, who has volunteered for more than a decade as a mediator in the district attorney's office, works with six other volunteers in the office to resolve disputes between consumers and businesses there. A government major while at Hamilton and member of the Squires, Peterzell went on to get a master's degree in journalism at Columbia.

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