Jenni Schaefer
Jenni Schaefer

Author Jenni Schaefer will give a keynote speech for National Eating Disorders Awareness Week at Hamilton College on Thursday, Feb. 24, at 5 p.m., in the Fillius Events Barn. The talk is free and open to the public.


Schaefer is an internationally known author and speaker whose work has helped change the face of recovery from eating disorders. She wrote the breakthrough best-seller, Life Without Ed: How One Woman Declared Independence from Her Eating Disorder and How You Can, and her latest book is Goodbye Ed, Hello Me: Recover from Your Eating Disorder and Fall in Love with Life.


Schaefer’s work has popularized an approach that enables men and women to personify their illness (Schaefer called her illness "Ed," short for "Eating Disorder") and "divorce" themselves from it. Her work has been featured in the Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, Shape, Woman's World and many other periodicals, and she has written for publications ranging from Cosmogirl to the popular Chicken Soup series. Schaefer is a contributing editor to self-help/recovery publications nationwide including Recovery Today, The Phoenix and Steps for Recovery. She graduated from Texas A&M University with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry.She graduated from Texas A&M University with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry.


National Eating Disorder Awareness Week is a collective effort of volunteers and professionals committed to raising awareness of the dangers surrounding eating disorders and the need for early intervention and treatment. At Hamilton students, faculty and staff have been working together since summer 2010 to organize a week-long series of events, beginning Feb. 21.

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