
John Rice, Hamilton Class of 1978, was interviewed by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on the current success of General Electric. Rice commented, "I think regardless of the size of your operation, you want to run it like the corner store."

When asked about the drop in GE's premium over the past year, Rice responded, "I think we will get the premium back... a lot of people got burned by Enron and the post-Enron fall out and the dot coms." He continued, "It's up to us through full disclosure, deep openness and performance-doing what we say we're going to do- to do the things necessary to get that confidence back."

On his future with the company, Rice commented, "I like it where I am. I've never really had a burning desire to be somewhere next." While GE has a reputation for being a training ground for CEO's attracted to other large companies, Rice has no intention of moving on any time soon. Rice reiterated, "Everybody gets phone calls, I like where I am."  

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