Lisa Trivedi
Lisa Trivedi
Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi has been elected the 2010 vice president and the 2011 president of the Society for Advancing the History of South Asia (SAHSA), a group soon to be an affiliated society of the American Historical Association (AHA). Although there has been a caucus of historians of South Asia for some time in the AHA, the founding of SAHSA nearly three years ago marked a significant change in the visibility of South Asia within the discipline's premier professional organization.

This year Trivedi will be focused on growing membership among historians of South Asia and contributing to the 2011 conference program as well as on overseeing a number of on-going projects. These will include digitization of the South Asian archives project and fundraising for the John F. Richards Prize, awarded for the best monograph in the field each year. Trivedi also hopes to raise the profile of SAHSA in the future by designing a means by which historians of South Asia might improve public understanding of the region and raise the level of informed policy debate by providing reliable information to laypeople, journalists, and policy and lawmakers.

Trivedi's election coincides with the election of Barbara D. Metcalf, professor emerita of both the University of California, Davis, and University of Michigan, as the AHA's first president from the field of South Asia.

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