
James Robbins, senior editorial writer for foreign affairs at the Washington Times, will present a lecture on “West Point Culture and the Civil War” on Thursday, March 10, at 4:15 p.m. in the Hamilton College Kirner-Johnson Red Pit (127). The event is free and open to the public.


Robbins holds a master of arts in law and diplomacy and a Ph.D. from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. As an expert in national security and foreign affairs, he has taught at The Fletcher School, Boston University, Marine Corps University, and National Defense University and served in the federal government for 10 years, including time spent as special assistant in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.


Robbins has contributed numerous articles for the National Review, the Washington Times, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal and is the author of two books: This Time We Win: Revisiting the Tet Offensive (2010), and Last in Their Class: Custer, Pickett, and the Goals of West Point. He is senior fellow in national security affairs at the American Foreign Policy Council and serves on the advisory board of the National Civil War Museum.


The lecture is sponsored by the Hamilton College faculty initiative Libertas Americana and the Alexander Hamilton Institute.

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