Pacific Rim Modernisms
Pacific Rim Modernisms
Pacific Rim Modernisms, a volume of scholarly essays co-edited by Associate Professor of English and Associate Dean of Faculty for Diversity Initiatives Steve Yao, was recently published by the University of Toronto Press.

According to the publisher, "By placing geographical rather than political boundaries at the center of academic inquiry," this collection "seeks not only to redraw old boundaries but to open up the modernist landscape to new mappings and new debates."

Yao also wrote the lead essay for the volume, "A Rim with a View: Orientalism, Geography, and the Historiography of Modernism." Pacific Rim Modernisms also includes an essay by Associate Professor of Japanese Literature and Language Kyoko Omori, "The Art of the Bluff: Youth Migrancy, Interlingualism, and Japanese Vernacular Modernism in New Youth Magazine."

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