  • Professor of Mathematics Richard Bedient presented a talk on the Hamilton College Mathematics Senior Seminar Program at the Annual Mathematics Meetings in Boston in January.  The talk was part of a session on “Capstone Courses” and described the Hamilton seminar program as a whole, but focused on the Seminar in Topology which Bedient has taught for many years.

  • In the hours before a math assignment is due at Hamilton, students can be seen sitting around professors’ offices and spanning the nearby hallway. Collaboration is encouraged, and so they seek help from one another and from their professor to finish up the homework. The work is not easy, but the sense of accomplishment upon handing in each assignment is fulfilling.

  • Professor of Mathematics Dick Bedient served as moderator for the debate "Derivative vs. Integral: The final showdown” during the Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America held Jan. 6-9, in New Orleans.

  • Luke Maher '11, Grace Stadnyk '10, Chan Thompson '10 and Professor of Mathematics Richard Bedient just returned from the first Unknot (Undergraduate Knot Theory) Conference at Denison University where they gave a paper titled "Three-Trip Lorenz Knots," heard many more and generally had a great time meeting knot students from all over the country.


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