
Alexander Hamilton, a founding father who saw the future and embraced it.

Notwithstanding the prodigious scholarship of the past few decades, the founding fathers remain a popular but shadowy group of historical figures. Perhaps none has proven more elusive and underappreciated as Alexander Hamilton. Although acknowledged by most scholars as among the most significant of the founders, Hamilton remains little understood by most Americans, and even teachers of American history do not have much to say about Hamilton's ideas and influence.

This conference will bring together a broad group of scholars who will examine and analyze the historical significance of Alexander Hamilton to American political, economic, and intellectual life. The conference will begin on Thursday evening, April 5, with a keynote address by Richard Brookhiser. The author of Founding Father: Rediscovering George Washington, Brookhiser's most recent work is Alexander Hamilton, American, a volume that has received praise from both scholars and the broader reading public. Brookhiser's address will be followed on Friday and Saturday with sessions that will feature both young and well-established scholars who will examine various aspects of Hamilton, his era, and his legacy.

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