Area of Study
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Root Hall 309
On Leave/Away

Anne Feltovich specializes in Greek and Roman Comedy. She teaches ancient Greek and Latin language courses, as well as courses on Greek and Roman culture. Professor Feltovich has participated in archaeological excavations in Athens and Corinth, and recently joined the excavation team at Pylos, Greece. She received her bachelor's degree in Classics from Grinnell College and her doctorate in Classical Philology from the University of Cincinnati. Current research projects include a book on Women's Social Bonds in Greek and Roman Comedy.

Recent Courses Taught

Elementary Greek
Elementary Latin
Intermediate Latin
Latin Seminar: Ovid’s Heroides
Greek Seminar: Herodotus
Greek Seminar: Plato’s Symposium
Greek Seminar: Homer's Odyssey
Roman Civilization
Civilization of Ancient Greece and the Near East
Women in Antiquity
Ancient Comedy
Greek Archaeology
Material Culture of Athenian Democracy
Greek History

Research Interests

Greek and Roman comedy
Gender and sexuality
Greek archaeology


  • University Graduate Scholarship, UC, 2003-11
  • Louise Taft Semple Fellowship, UC, 2006-11
  • Louise Taft Semple Summer Research Fellowship, UC, 2004-10
  • Fulbright Fellowship, Greece: “Pausanias and his Use of the Visible Past,” 2007-08
  • Honorary School Fellowship, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2007-08
  • University Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, UC, 2003-06

Selected Publications

  • “The Many Shapes of Sisterhood in Roman Comedy,” in Women in Roman Republican Drama, edited by Dorota Dutsch, Sharon James, and David Konstan. University of Wisconsin Press, 2015. pp. 128-54.
  • “In Defense of Myrrhina: Friendship between Women in Plautus's Casina.” Helios 42.2 (2015): 245-66.
  • Forthcoming: “Archetypal Character Studies: Masculinity and Power,” in Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Plautus, edited by D. Dutsch and G. Franko.
  • Forthcoming: “Jezebels and Mammies: Slave Women in Roman Comedy” in Intersectionality and Antiquity, edited by Maxine Lewis and Jennifer Helum.

College Service

Classics Department Search Committee, 2014-15, 2016-17, 2017-18
Faculty advisor (with Barbara Gold) to Classics Club and Eta Sigma Phi
Phi Beta Kappa Selection Criteria Committee, 2014-15
CAP Foreign Languages subcommittee, 2016-17
Phi Beta Kappa Vice President, 2016-17
Prizes Committee, 2016-17
Faculty advisor to Archery Club, 2012-15
Trip Leader, Adirondack Adventure rock climbing trip, 2016, 2017

Professional Affiliations

American Philological Association
Classical Association of the Atlantic States
Lambda Classical Caucus
Phi Beta Kappa
Women’s Classical Caucus

Appointed to the Faculty


Educational Background

Ph.D., University of Cincinnati
B.A., Grinnell College

Personal Interests

Rock climbing

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