
Sources alumni use to receive most of their information about the College:

Alumni Review 39%
Emails or other correspondence from class presidents, gift chairs, etc. 27%
Hamilton Headlines (monthly e-newsletter) 17%
Social Media 7%
Word of Mouth 5%
Website 3%
Other 1%

Kinds of information alumni look for when they visit the web (more than one answer possible):

College News 51%
Contact Information for Alumni 41%
Don't visit website 21%
Upcoming Regional Events 20%
Career Networking/Job Opportunities 20%
Upcoming Campus Events 17%
Sports News/Scores 16%
Contact Information for Professors 12%
Ways to Make a Gift 11%
Admission Information 6%
Ways to Volunteer 6%
Other 4%

How often alumni visit Hamilton website:

A few times a year 57%
Monthly 20%
Never 17%
Weekly 4%
More than once a week 2%

How important it is to alumni to keep up with Hamilton information:

Important 64%
Not Important 20%
Very Important 15%

How important it is to alumni to keep up with fellow alumni:

Important 67%
Not Important 17%
Very Important 16%

Which communications from the College do alumni read the most (highlights):

  • The vast majority of alumni “regularly read” the Alumni Review followed by emails and letters from the president.
  • Results for the “occasionally read” were split fairly evenly with the Alumni Review and The Scroll (Hamilton’s social media aggregator) coming in last.
  • Topping the “rarely read” category was by far the website.
  • In “never read” category, The Scroll and website received the most responses.
  • 716 respondents indicated they are unaware of The Scroll.

Hamilton-related topics of most interest to alumni (highlights):

  • The vast majority of alumni listed class notes as their top “very interested” choice followed by special events (Reunions, Fallcoming), features about alumni and campus news.
  • Results for “interested” were fairly split with class notes coming in last.
  • In the “not interested” category, topping the list were athletics, fundraising activities and national higher education polity issues.

How alumni want to receive information from the College (ranked in this order):

  1. email
  2. print
  3. web
  4. video
  5. video followed by text messages
  6. text messages

(Social media was a low #1 choice, but fairly consistent in #2-#6)

Would alumni read additional Alumni Review content if it appeared only online (highlights)?

  • The vast majority indicated they would be “very likely” or “likely” to read additional alumni profiles that appeared online.
  • The vast majority indicated they would be “very unlikely” to engage in discussions with readers about topics covered in the magazine.
  • Video features scored in the middle with just about the same number of respondents indicated they would be “likely” and “unlikely” to view.
  • Student profiles scored highest in the “likely” and “unlikely” categories.

How alumni feel about class notes appearing online only and updated more frequently:

Somewhat receptive 48%
Very receptive 30%
Not receptive 21%

How informed do alumni feel they are about the College:

Somewhat informed 54%
Well informed 23%
Somewhat uninformed 13%
Very well informed 7%
Very uninformed 3%

How often do alumni say they receive email from the College:

Several times a month 39%
Monthly 34%
Weekly 11%
Every other month 9%
A few times a year 7%


How much of the overall College correspondence do alumni read thoroughly:

Some 45%
Most 33%
Little 16%
All 5%
None 2%

How alumni rate the amount of communications from the College:

About right 84%
Too much 13%
Too little 3%


How alumni describe their feelings toward the College:

Strongly favorable 54%
Favorable 36%
Neutral 8%
Negative 2%
Strongly negative 1%


How alumni want to receive their non-Hamilton information:

In general, the Web garnered the most votes by far and was top in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice categories. Email was the second #1 choice. Other media (newspaper, radio, magazines, TV) were fairly split.  Coming in last was social media.

Platforms alumni use to consume non-Hamilton information:

Computer 64%
Cell phone 19%
Tablet 14%
None of these devices 3%


How frequently do alumni read the following non-Hamilton information:

In general, brief news items are far and away the most popular. Second is in-depth articles/features followed by video and then podcasts.

Some 1,788 alumni completed the survey, which was emailed in summer 2014 to all alumni for whom Hamilton has email addresses.

Class year breakout of survey respondents as follows:

2000s or later 38%
1990s 14%
1980s 15%
1970s 17%
1960s 11%
1950s 3%
1949 or earlier 3%

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