With classes, labs, theatre productions and other responsibilities, some days start at 9 a.m. and end 14 hours later for Kevin Herrera ’16. If Herrera isn’t the only geo-sciences/theatre double major you’ve ever heard of, he’s likely the most determined. He still has the first-year planner in which he meticulously listed the requirements for the wildly divergent majors. He’s en route to both. Herrera admits the combination isn’t easy to manage, but says he’s in the right place to make it happen. If you want a school “in which you can do almost anything you can imagine, there really is no better place,” he says about Hamilton College.
Herrera spent a month doing geology fieldwork in Tasmania with a Hamilton group. Back on the Hill, he received the Edwin Barrett Prize, which is awarded at the end of sophomore year to a student who makes a significant contribution to the theatre program. His long-term goal is to be a voice actor, but he harbors other possibilities: earning a master’s degree in geology, launching a high school geo program for students who love the subject as much as he does, pursuing a master’s degree in fine arts. Herrera describes himself as more excited than nervous about all the prospects.