Director of Opportunity Programs Phyllis A. H. Breland and Assistant Director Brenda C. Davis presented “Routine for Learning” on Nov. 12 at The New York State Higher Education Opportunity Program Professional Organization (HEOPPO) Biennial Conference in Fairport, N.Y. Representatives from 53 Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Programs participated in the conference.
The Routine for Learning program was designed by Breland and Davis more than seven years ago to assist students in the transition to college.
Incorporated into this approach is the validation of students’ personal experiences – experiences that play a valuable and critical role in helping students meet their academic and personal goals. By developing a strong routine, students are able to take the tools given to them and make a routine that is based on their own academic and personal characteristics.
This year marks the 45th anniversary of the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Programs (HEOP) at Hamilton and the program’s long history of success and partnership with the New York State Education Department.