Corinne Bancroft '10, left, with representatives from other border justice groups.
Corinne Bancroft '10, left, with representatives from other border justice groups.
Corinne Bancroft ’10 represented No More Deaths in a small coalition of border justice organizations (also including Humane Borders and the Samaritans) that met with Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. For the past 10 years these organizations have provided humanitarian aid such as water, food, and medical assistance, to people crossing in response to the increased number of deaths in the border region. Bancroft is a comparative literature major.

Recently Fish and Wildlife officials have begun to cite volunteers who leave food and water for littering on the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge (volunteers have not met resistance on other federal lands such as the National Forest or BLM land). After failed attempts to meet and work with the refuge manager, this coalition of groups left water on the refuge in protest of the recent change in policy. They received 13 more citations for littering, but also an invitation to Washington, D.C., to meet with Secretary Salazar.

Secretary Salazar expressed his understanding and commitment to address the tragedy occurring on the southern border. He also encouraged Jane Lyder, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife, to work with the refuge manager and the Humanitarian Aid Groups toward the common goal of saving human life and protecting the refuge.

Almost 30 Hamilton students have volunteered with No More Deaths as part of a spring break and winter break program over the past two years. For more information on volunteering or the recent events pertaining to aid on the Wildlife Refuge please visit nomoredeaths.org.

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