Visiting Professor of Government Tony Wayne.

Mexico is one of the most important countries in the world for the United States,” began this year’s Sol M. Linowitz Visiting Professor of International Affairs E. Anthony Wayne in his essay, Why U.S. should treat Mexico as vital partner, not a punching bag,” published on Feb. 8 on theconversation.com. The former Ambassador to Mexico (2011-2015), Wayne outlined many reasons in answer to his op-ed’s title including the following statistics. Mexico is: the second-largest buyer of U.S. goods,

  • the third-biggest consumer of U.S. agricultural products and
  • America’s third-most-important trading partner, after China and Canada. We trade over a million dollars of stuff every minute.

Wayne wrote, “We should recognize that treating Mexico as a respected partner would be a good start if we hope to favorably resolve serious issues over trade, immigration or fighting crime. The U.S. will be safer and stronger if we can forge even closer cooperation with Mexico while finding solutions to the problems each side wants to fix.”

He continued, warning that, “The sharp, critical rhetoric coming out of the new U.S. administration, however, is undermining a mutually beneficial relationship that has taken decades to build.”

The Conversation US website is an independent source of news and views from the academic and research community, delivered direct to the public. His piece has since appeared in several publications across the country. 

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