As a kid Max Lopez ’15 would dig up his parents’ backyard and visit every museum he could in pursuit of his favorite subject. After he majored in archaeology at Hamilton, he earned a master’s in archaeology from Cambridge University.
“The subject appeals to me on numerous levels. At a basic level I like the idea of being outside and doing something adventurous. On a more cerebral level I appreciate archaeology because it offers perspective on our lives today and how society has evolved and how it might evolve in the future,” he says. At Cambridge he focused on South Asian archaeology. He’s long been interested in in Buddhism and everything Tibet.
“Looking back at my studies at Hamilton what stands out is the approachability of the professors and the personal relationships that such an environment encourages between staff and students.” Lopez says. “I worked with Professor Nathan Goodale from my freshman year until my last and am proud to have him as one of my professional references but also as a friend.” His fondest career hope? The opening up of Tibet and the Himalayas as regions viable for archaeological study.