<i>Wet Apples, White Blood</i> by Naomi Guttman
Wet Apples, White Blood by Naomi Guttman

Associate Professor of English Naomi Guttman's book of poetry, Wet Apples, White Blood, shared the best book of poetry award with The Origin of the Milky Way by Barbara Louise Ungar at the Adirondack Center for Writing's (ACW) third annual Adirondack Literary Awards. The awards were announced at Blue Mountain Center in Blue Mountain Lake on June 8. The Adirondack Literary Awards celebrate and acknowledge the books that were written by Adirondack authors or published in the region in the previous year. There were 37 entries this year. Wet Apples, White Blood was published by McGill-Queen's University Press in 2007.

The Adirondack Center for Writing is a non-profit organization that supports the literary arts throughout the Park. The Center presents workshops, writing and publishing conferences, and also organizes public readings with both regional and nationally acclaimed authors. ACW is supported in part by the New York State Council on the Arts. Paul Smith's College donates office space and services to the organization, while members also provide a great deal of the operating budget through membership dues and contributions.

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