The Hamilton College Arboretum’s 2017-18 Saturday Speaker series opens on Saturday, Oct. 21, with gardening writer, editor, and expert Teri Dunn Chace. She will present “Seeing Flowers” at 10 a.m. in the Kennedy Auditorium, Taylor Science Center. This lecture is free and open to the public.
Chace will discuss her book, Seeing Flowers: Discover the Hidden Life of Flowers and explain why certain plants belong to certain families, how pollination occurs, and why flowers look and act certain ways. She will also display photographs by Robert Llewellyn and explain his “image-stacking” technique.
Between writing and editing, Chace has worked on over 35 published titles. She has also written, edited, and blogged for major outdoor-living and consumer gardening publications like North American Blogger and Backyard Living. Chace also writes regularly for the “Bottom Line Personal” newsletter as its award-winning gardening expert.
Parking is available near the building. All Arboretum events are free and open to the public, and everyone interested in gardens and landscapes is encouraged to attend. Pre-registration is not required.
Coming up in the 2017-18 Saturday Speaker Series:
November 11- “The Herbaceous Peonies and Woody Peonies of Dr. A.P. Saunders” by Harvey Buchite, author, researcher, and peony expert.
January 27- “Building Soils for Better Results in all Locations” by Fred Breglia, executive director of the Landis Arboretum, award-winning arborist, speaker, and educator.
February 17- Lecture by Leon Ginenthal, rose expert and builder of Der Rosenmeister Nursery.
March 17 - “The Natural World of Winnie-the-Pooh” by Kathryn Aalto, landscape designer, historian, lecturer, and nonfiction author.
April 28 - “The World of Laura Ingalls” by Martha McDowell, gardener, author, and essayist.