Minority Access, an organization committed to improving access in education, employment and research, recognized Hamilton as a National Diversity Institution at the 17th National Role Models Conference. Director of Opportunity Programs and Interim Director of Diversity and Inclusion Phyllis Breland, who nominated the College, accepted the award on Oct. 1 at the Washington, D.C., event.
In proposing Hamilton for this award, Breland described Hamilton’s strategic commitments and accomplishments in support of diversity and inclusion across the curriculum and community including the creation of the Opportunity Programs, establishment of the Days-Massolo Center and Afro-Latin Cultural Center, adoption of the Posse Scholars program, and the founding of the Trans Advocate Task Force, MARC (Multicultural Alumni Relations Committee) and Black and Latin Student Union.
She pointed to the College’s diversity strategic plan, adopted in 2004 and derived from the College’s strategic plan, that reiterated the College’s commitment to diversity and included the goal of making the community welcoming to all. Breland also referenced Hamilton’s new diversity requirement approved by faculty this spring.
Breland also listed some of the many student groups that focus on cultural and ethnic identity including the Black and Latin Student Union, LaVanguardia, Asian Cultural Society, Muslim Student Association, Asian Student Association, Middle East and Arabic Club, to name a few. In addition, she highlighted annual programs that also celebrate identity such as the MLK Community Lecture and events, LGBTQ History Month, Voices of Color Series, Womyn’s Energy Week, Faith and Spirituality Week, and Community Crucial Conversations among others.