S. Brent Rodriguez Plate
S. Brent Rodriguez Plate
Along with fellow editors of the journal Material Religion, Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Rodriguez-Plate served as a consultant for approximately 25 faculty from Duke and UNC interested in the study of the material cultures of religion on Sept 13.

Participants involved came from departments of philosophy, art history, anthropology, religious studies, and the Franklin Humanities Institute, all of whom have been engaged with the intersection of material culture, the arts, and religion. The consultation was in connection with Duke's multi-million dollar, university-wide, "Visual Studies Initiative," which is supported in part by a large Mellon grant.

The aim, according to Duke, is to investigate "the material production, dissemination, semiotics, and remediation of images and imaging systems in all their various forms—artistic, popular, scientific, commercial." As a result of the consultation Plate and other editors of the journal were able to meet and set an agenda for the future of publishing Material Religion, of which Plate is the managing editor.

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