A review of “Bosch: The 5th Centenary Exhibition” by Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate was published by Religion News Service (RNS) on June 9. The exhibition marking the 500th anniversary of the death of painter Hieronymus Bosch opened recently at the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid.
In a review titled “The horrors and hells of Hieronymus Bosch,” Plate noted that Bosch’s work has inspired television show episodes, song lyrics, children’s book characters, movies and more, adding that actor Leonardo DiCaprio even presented a book about Bosch’s work to Pope Francis earlier this year.
Plate commented, “With a majority of Bosch’s surviving works all on display at the same time in El Prado, visitors can begin to piece together the reasons for his ongoing popularity.” The exhibition features drawings, paintings and triptychs from the Prado’s own collection and from other collections and museums around the world.
Of the artist Plate said, “In the end it’s clear, Bosch painted in radical new ways for his day, and his revolutionary style remains enticing, baffling and sometimes revolting to modern viewers. Bosch gave us many of our modern visions of hell.”
National Catholic Reporter, The Christian Century and Sojourners also featured the review.