Drawn to Hamilton College in part for its open curriculum, Hunter Sobczak ’17 found just how far it can stretch: He has the room to major in both Russian studies and economics, spend a semester in Hamilton’s New York City program – and he intends to study in Russia.
"I really enjoyed all my professors at Hamilton but particularly the professors in the Russian studies department. They seemed to be really on top of their stuff. The classes are very small,” he says.“
The professor and course that stands out the most so far is early Russian history taught by Professor Shoshana Keller. He remembers a paper she assigned on a Friday that was due Monday. He cranked out maybe 20 pages, a worthy challenge. “Learning to do a high volume of high-quality research in a short period of time is a pretty valuable skill,” Sobczak says.
Post-Hamilton, Sobczak is thinking he may go to graduate school in law or business or pursue a joint business-law degree. But first, he plans to work for a couple of years. Among other options, he’s thinking he may pursue a fellowship that would take him to Russia.
“I’m a big soccer fan; the World Cup is going on in Russia about the time I graduate,” he says.