Her international perspective traces back to her days as news editor of her high school newspaper. For that job Audrey Nadler ’18 kept up on world events, drawn in particular to articles about the Middle East. “Over the years I came to realize how important the Middle East is in today's world, so I decided that I wanted to study Arabic,” Nadler says.
She’s doing that while majoring in Hispanic studies and world politics with a focus on Europe, plus engaging in all kinds of extracurriculars. Nadler credits the College open curriculum with enabling all her academic interests. “Hamilton has given me the opportunity to pursue two languages, which I absolutely love and do not think I could do at any other school,” she says.
As for the rest of what keeps her busy, Nadler is studying for a year in Spain. The prior summer she received a college grant do summer research with a team that looked at how refugees in nearby Utica adapt to U.S. culture. Nadler is helping launch a campus club to strengthen ties between Hamilton and the local refugee communities. She plays viola in the orchestra, is a member the Figure Skating Club and Marathon Canoe Racing Team and leads trips for the Outing Club and Exploration Adventure, among other pursuits.