Barbara Tewksbury conducts field research in Egypt
Barbara Tewksbury conducts field research in Egypt

Professor of Geosciences Barbara Tewksbury gave a keynote address at the Geology of the Nile Basin Countries Conference in Alexandria, Egypt. Her talk was titled “The Potential of Google Earth for Conducting Research in Remote Regions of the World.”

In addition to the keynote, Tewksbury presented three other talks at the conference – “A Previously Unrecognized System of Folds and Related Faults in Stable Platform Limestones of the El Rufuf and Drunka Formations, Western Desert, Egypt,” “Deformation Bands and the Expression in Siliciclastic Cover Rocks of Slip on Basement Faults in Southern Egypt” and “Polygonal Patterns and Desert Eyes: Reconnaissance Satellite Image Study of Fold and Fault Structures in Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Limestones of the Western Desert, Egypt.”

Tewksbury is the lead principal investigator on a National Science Foundation grant that has partially funded this work. Over the past three years, she has initiated collaborations with researchers at five Egyptian universities and three U.S. universities. In December and January, Tewksbury also led field work in the Western Desert of Egypt in which Claire Sayler ‘12, Peter Laciano ‘13 and Tucker Keren ‘13 participated.

Tewksbury is currently serving as the primary research advisor for an Egyptian M.S. student at Alexandria University and will co-advise an Egyptian Ph.D. student at Alexandria University over the next two years.

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