Commencement 2019

In his address at Hamilton’s commencement, Freeman Hrabowski, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, advised graduates to “keep asking the hard questions and keep thinking of things we’ve not thought about – about social justice and inequality and seeking the truth.”
Hrabowski gave the address at Hamilton’s commencement on Sunday, May 26, in the Margaret Bundy Scott Field House where 491 students received bachelor’s degrees. He was awarded an honorary degree, along with The New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast, former director of the Office of Management and Budget Shaun Donovan, and Hamilton alumnus and trustee Jeff Little ’71.
Also speaking at Commencement was Jonathan Stickel, who in addition to being valedictorian received The James Soper Merrill Prize, and class speaker Matt Albino of Woodbury, Conn., as chosen by his classmates. [View all videos on YouTube]
The Class of 2019 valedictorian was Jonathan Stickel, a mathematics and economics double major from Pittsburgh. Colleen Wahl, a computer science major from Berkeley, Calif., was salutatorian. Continue Reading