
2013-14 Honor Roll

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1812 Leadership Circle

$1,500 - $2,499
  • Joanna H. Fier

1812 Leadership Circle

$1,000 - $1,499
  • Selby R. McRae

Buff & Blue Associates

  • George A. Kentros
  • Jacob H. Kleinrock
  • James R. Lacy
  • Samuel B. McNerney
  • Lesley E. Ryder
  • Zachary P. Slovin
  • Nicholas D. Stagliano

Achievement Club

  • Samuel H. Bristol
  • Rebecca I. Cairns
  • Jeremy R. Gleason
  • Amy L. Goldstein
  • Andrew M. Harris
  • Gregory J. Kreitzer
  • Sarah E. Krieger
  • Michael G. Moreno
  • Alex W. Pardy
  • Kenley E. Stark
  • Linus W. Walton, Jr.


  • Hillary E. Ain
  • John D. Allen
  • Theresa R. Allinger
  • Carly J. Andrascik
  • Gabriela Arias
  • Reisa Asimovic
  • Justin A. Atwood
  • Ysmerlyn A. Baez
  • Alysha Banerji
  • Deborah A. Barany
  • Patrick M. Barnes
  • Endrit Beja
  • Jori E. Belkin
  • Daryl M. Berke
  • James S. Beslity
  • Michael W. Bethoney
  • Scott E. Bickard
  • Noah S. Bishop
  • Michael J. Bourbeau
  • Andrew J. Branting
  • Andrew I. Brodsky
  • Georgia M. Brodsky
  • William F. Brodt
  • Alison M. Brown
  • Joseph D. Buicko
  • Daniel C. Bunger
  • Nathan H. Burbank
  • Leide J. Cabral
  • Elizabeth Palmer Starnes Califano
  • Izzy Cannell
  • Jeffrey R. Cardoni
  • Megan E. Carman
  • Courtney M. Carroll
  • Elizabeth J. Carty
  • Robert C. Castellano
  • Jeffrey F. Chandler
  • Anna K. Chelius
  • Andrew J. Christ
  • Meghan J. Clary
  • Kerry Q. Coughlin
  • Kara K. Cover
  • Carl N. Crafts
  • Walter L. Cronkite
  • Courtney Crowell
  • Rachel A. D'Angio
  • Alice K. Dannenberg
  • Jeremiah E. Davis
  • Christopher R. DeConinck
  • Jacob P. DeConinck
  • Lindsay E. DeVellis
  • Holly T. Donaldson
  • Russell B. Doubleday
  • Mark E. Ducommun
  • Anne M. Edelstein
  • Robert D. Eisenhart III
  • Laurel A. Emurian Mirarchi
  • Noah M. Ennis
  • Andrew S. Epstein
  • Leigh A. Ercole
  • Kristin K. Eugenio
  • Isabelle A. Fabian
  • Catherine G. Ferrara
  • Meredith A. FitzPatrick
  • Caitlin C. Fitzsimons
  • Catherine R. Florea
  • Margaret H. Frame
  • Michelle N. Franco
  • Kylie E. Fraser
  • Andrea L. Frederick
  • Katherine K. Gambir
  • Matthew R. Gessen
  • Matthew N. Giamalis
  • Zachary A. Gillan
  • Nora M. Goddard
  • David H. Goldberg
  • Sarah C. Goodell
  • Kevin W. Graepel
  • Rebecca S. Green
  • Caroline S. Greenberg
  • Mattie R. Greenwood
  • Alexander N. Gross
  • Madeleine A. Gunter
  • Himeka E. Hagiwara
  • Jane E. Hannon
  • Zachary T. Harbage
  • Michael D. Harris
  • Rachel E. Hewitt
  • James A. Hogan
  • Kristiana M. Hubley
  • Eva A. Hunt Hodosy
  • Grace H. Jacobson
  • Thomas G. James
  • Cassidy N. Jay
  • Mallory K. Joel
  • Gregory T. Jordan
  • Riley D. Jorgensen
  • William T. Kalbacker
  • Charles I. Kaplan
  • Katherine R. Kelly
  • Stephen M. Kemp
  • Amihan M. Kernan
  • Jae Yong Kim
  • Brandon A. Kline
  • Evan S. Klondar
  • Peter K. Kosgei
  • Zachary B. Krassin
  • Margaret Kremer
  • Kunter Kula
  • Linda Lam
  • Edward A. Lamere
  • Henry A. Lee
  • Kathy Lee
  • Stephen F. Lefebvre
  • Eban G. Lewis
  • Pamela N. Lewis
  • Mary B. Lineberry
  • Sloane L. Lipkin
  • Peter W. Lisle
  • David P. Loan
  • Angela J. LoSchiavo
  • InJun Lyo
  • Katherine E. Lyons
  • Elli C. Marcus
  • Stephanie J. Margolis
  • Alden E. Masters
  • Michael G. Matt
  • Andrew P. McDermott
  • Katherine C. McGuire
  • Alison E. McLaughlin
  • Kelsey C. Mellette
  • Steven M. Mello
  • Julie M. Melowsky
  • Carryn E. Mills
  • Julie W. Mon
  • Ian P. Morganelli
  • Amber W. Morris
  • Maya G. Mosner
  • Julia R. Mulcrone
  • Bradley J. Muldrow
  • Melissa S. Nezamzadeh
  • Matthew P. Nudell
  • Timothy H. Olsen
  • Lauren A. Peters-Collaer
  • Mary E. Phillips
  • Rachel S. Pohl
  • Wai Yee Poon
  • William F. Preston
  • Zachary A. Pych
  • Katie Lu Qi
  • Andrew G. Quinney
  • Samantha B. Rabin
  • Emma Racine
  • Ashlyn D. Razzo
  • Ellen M. Recinos
  • Scott F. Regan
  • Isabel M. Rittenberg
  • Daniel A. Roberts
  • Sara H. Rodiger
  • Hannah L. Roth
  • Julia Rueckert
  • Matthew P. Russell
  • Grace W. Ryan
  • Jeremy T. Safran
  • Burke St. John
  • Jonathan R. Sanford
  • Katharine P. Sargent
  • Suman Sarker
  • Nathan A. Schneck
  • Margaret F. Schultz
  • Anna N. Scott
  • Margo S. Servison
  • Brett D. Shannon
  • Mary K. Sheridan
  • Leighanne K. Sherrow
  • Max W. Shillalies
  • Bowie M. Sievers
  • Harrison J. Sims
  • E. Alexandra Singh
  • Marisa W. Smith
  • Ayush Soni
  • Judith Soto-Lopez
  • Alicia T. Specht
  • Lauren E. Specht
  • Sarah C. Steiner
  • Emily R. Stekl
  • Elsie D. Swank
  • Evan P. Taddeo
  • Nisha Tandon
  • George A. Taylor
  • Travis W. Tomaselli
  • Alice B. Townsend
  • Jacobus P. Van Der Ven
  • Isabelle R. Van Hook
  • Sophie L. Vershbow
  • Lauren M. Vilardo
  • Anne E. Vilsoet
  • Lauren F. Vitale
  • Chloe J. Von Ancken
  • Eloise K. Walter
  • Olivia B. Waxman
  • Nicholas C. Wiggins
  • Julia A. Wilber
  • Morgan G. Williams
  • Thomas E. Williams
  • Keith D. Willner
  • Bennett A. Wilson
  • Andrew L. Witkowski
  • Emily A. Wollaeger
  • Elena K. Wood
  • Laura Wray
  • Ke Xu
  • Andre C. Zakoworotny
  • Yuanxin Zhu
  • Lauren B. Zoltick
  •   Anonymous

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gray type indicates previous donor who has not yet made a gift this year.
Increased Annual Fund Gift
(W) Widow
* Deceased
** Giving level information is generated at the end of each fiscal year.

Hamilton College respects donor privacy. If at any time you decide you do not want your name listed, or if you notice an error, please contact Amy Palmieri at 315-859-4667 or apalmier@hamilton.edu so that we may correct our records.


Contact Name

Shauna Hirshfield ’06

Director, Annual Giving

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