  • Recent turmoil and political upheaval in the Middle East have dominated the global news lately, with documentations of unrest in more than a dozen already unsteady nations. Ryan Karerat ’12, an Emerson grant recipient, is spending the summer with Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs Alan Cafruny researching the current state of U.S. foreign affairs in the Middle East.

  • Edward S. Walker, Jr., '62 former U.S. Ambassador to Egypt and Israel and the Christian A. Johnson Distinguished Professor of Global Political Theory, was interviewed this morning on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition. Walker spoke with host Steve Inskeep about the violent clashes in Egypt and the challenge to President Hosni Mubarak's authority.

  • “I don’t feel worthy of speaking to an economics class. I was a history major,” began CBS 60 Minutes producer and Hamilton alumnus Andrew Metz ’91. Formerly a reporter with Newsday covering the Middle East, Metz shared his experiences and observations on the region in Professor of Economics Erol Balkan’s Political Economics of the Middle East class on Tuesday, May 5.


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