  • Assistant Professor of Government Erica De Bruin gave invited talks on her recently published book, How to Prevent Coups d'Etat (Cornell University Press, 2020), at nine colleges and universities this spring.

  • In an interview for The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage, Professor and chair of the government department Sharon Werning Rivera discussed results of the eighth survey wave of the Survey of Russian Elites (SRE) and a special issue of Post-Soviet Affairs.

  • A religious studies course about pilgrimages plus boundless curiosity propelled Estella Brenneman ’20 on a 300 mile trek across Spain. Here’s how it happened.

  • Ravena Pernanand ’21, Rachel Pike ’21, and Abigail Roller ’21 spent the past couple months learning about local climate patterns, analyzing local climate projections, and promoting climate justice.

  • The Levitt Public Affairs Center’s Freedom of Expression Research Group is exploring the policies of institutions across the country including Hamilton's 1967 policy in order to make recommendations for revision.

  • In a course with Hamilton Professor of Economics Erol Balkan, Hersheena Rajaram ’19 discovered an affinity for economic development.

  • In the late 1990s, many Latin American countries turned away from the democratization and free market economies promoted by the United States. Instead, leaders such as Hugo Chávez, Lula da Silva and Evo Morales inaugurated a new era of left-leaning social movements and policies known as the Pink Tide. Over the past five years, many have surmised that Latin America is turning away from the values of the Pink Tide. A Levitt Summer Research Group is now researching the extent to which that’s true.

  • Thousands of refugees have arrived in Utica over the past couple decades. One thing that’s unclear however is how many refugees, particularly youth, choose to stay.

  • Building on data from  the 2016 Hamilton College Levitt Poll titled “The Russian Elite 2016,” a group of students this summer is researching the diffusion of foreign models into Russia through a Levitt Center grant.

  • More than 17 percent of Utica’s population was born outside of the United States, and a drive through the city reveals numerous stores, churches and community centers built up by diverse ethnic groups. Despite the prevalence of immigrants in Utica, however, refugees face significant challenges to assimilating into the community. Understanding these challenges is the goal of a Levitt Research Group this summer. Erica Chen ’19, Audrey Nadler ’18 and Sofia Rachad ’18, with the guidance of Professor of Economics Erol Balkan, are researching the experiences of refugees in Utica.

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