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Laurie Semple McCarthy ’86 has been living on Cape Cod for almost 20 years. While her day job involves working as the comptroller for a residential builder, her avocation takes her back in time.
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There are many performances that Jonathan Higginbotham ’12 remembers fondly, but he’ll never forget one particular night at the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles.
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Jack Riffle ’12 was teaching in New York City when the reality of the climate crisis hit. It was something he’d recognized for years, but it was no longer something he could ignore.
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Her senior year at Hamilton that Jesica Lindor ’12 committed to a career in education, and now she's a teacher at a Brooklyn charter school, where students are back in the classroom.
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For the first part of the winter, actor Kadahj Bennett ’12 has been immersed in Pass Over, with SpeakEasy Stage Company in Boston, Bennett describes the play written by Antoinette Nwandu as Waiting for Godot with a Black Lives Matter tinge. It’s a three-person production, and he’s on stage for the duration.
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Jake Zappala ’12 earned a doctorate in atomic physics at the University of Chicago, but he’s stayed true to his other favorite academic subject. Zappala writes novels for fun.
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This is a story of a creative partnership, Hamilton style. It began when two strangers were assigned to be first-year roommates. In the latest chapter of the continuing friendship, one writes a novel, and the other helps get it published.
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The Hage Family, a well-respected family of Hamilton alumni, recently had a new SUNY Polytechnic lab named in their honor. In recognition of decades of support for SUNY Polytechnic Institute, the institution held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new “Hage Family Robotics Lab.”
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An article co-authored by Professors Derek Jones and Jeffrey Pliskin, and Matthew Poterba ’12 was recently published online in the Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity.
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Haley Peltz ’12 performed at Ryles Jazz Club in Cambridge, Mass., on Jan. 12. Accompanied by local jazz musicians Dan Fox (bass), Joe Reid (piano), and Miki Matsuki (drums), Peltz built the show around songs by female composers.