  • Classic mythology originated thousands of years ago, yet it still resonates with audiences today. With an Emerson Foundation grant, Rachel Beamish ’16 is examining adaptations of classical and Egyptian mythology within modern young adult novels. She is working with Professor of Africana Studies and Classics Shelley Haley to examine how contemporary novels adapt classical mythology to 21st century American culture.

  • Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz, the Margaret Bundy Scott Professor of Comparative Literature, presented her current research on the modern performance of Greek tragedy on Nov. 21 at Dartmouth University. In her paper, "The Anti-Imperialist Uses of Greek Tragedy," she discussed plays produced in order to critique the current War in Iraq.

  • Winslow Professor of Classics Carl Rubino gave an invited lecture on Sept. 17 at Mohawk Valley Community College titled “It Is Your Destiny: Star Wars and Greek and Roman Myth.”


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