Cat Boyd, '12, the recipient of an Emerson Grant, and Naomi Guttman, Professor of English and Creative Writing, spent the week of July 11-15 at the Women's Studio Workshop in Rosendale, N.Y., where they each produced an edition of a handmade book and documented the process with assistance from the Digital Humanities initiative.
As part of her work on her Emerson project, "More Than Paper Pushing: The Handmade Book in the Information Age," Boyd produced a book titled #gutenberg, which reflects on our user-friendly world of virtual media, incorporating its themes and designs—the short form blog, simple block color schemes, thumbnails and live streams—with what she has learned about the history of the printed book in an attempt to contextualize and integrate the past with the present.
The book contains historical references to Johannes Gutenberg and other key players in the history of bookmaking, as well as references to more recent ideas, like those of Pierre Bourdieu regarding culture as well as the relatively new phenomenon of social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. Guttman's book is a two-sided accordion with letter-pressed text of two poems from her a current series of poems titled, The Banquet of Donny and Ari.