
A photo from the Desert Eyes Project appears on the National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of International Science and Engineering Website banner. The photo, part of a rotating series, shows Barbara Tewksbury, the Upson Chair for Public Discourse and professor of geosciences, and Claire Sayler ’12 doing fieldwork in Egypt.

Tewksbury has been studying fold structures along faults in the Western Desert of Egypt for many years. She and her students have used NASA satellite imagery and high resolution commercial satellite imagery from Google Earth to look at structures that range in size from several meters to tens of meters across.

In 2010, Tewksbury was awarded a three-year NSF grant that provided funding for the Desert Eyes Project. The grant allowed her and collaborators at Missouri University of Science and Technology, as well as student researchers, to conduct fieldwork in Egypt.

Since 2011, more than a dozen Hamilton students, along with others from both the United States and Egypt, have been involved in the project.

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