Charlotte Carstens '16

Way back when, one of the reasons Charlotte Carstens ’16, opted for Hamilton was that the College allows students to study abroad in Germany for a full academic year, not just one semester. Her goal was to attain fluency in the language. So away to Germany she want, and she clinched the fluency. She also learned to live independently, as an adult. “I think that I just have a huge sense of accomplishment from that,” Carstens said not long after she returned.

While she was abroad Carstens taught and led an informal English language class for high school students and interned at Stuttgart city hall. She majored in German studies and world politics.

Another of her goals at Hamilton was to secure a fellowship to teach abroad, and she clinched that, too. Carstens rounded out her College career by receiving a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Germany. When she’s done with that, she plans to work for an international education organization. From there, she’s headed to graduate school in that field.

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