
The Men's Hockey Date Auction sponsored by the Social Traditions Committee on Jan. 25, was another huge success, raising $702 for the Young Civic Leaders Scholarship.  Started last year by The Hamilton College Philanthropy Committee, the scholarship is given to a local high school senior who has demonstrated commitment to community service and is continuing his/her education at a higher level.  

Last year, the Philanthropy Committee was able to give a $500 scholarship to a Proctor graduate who is now attending Mt. Holyoke. The student was heavily involved in tutoring services both at her school and her church. Philanthropy Committee Co-Chair Caroline Moore '19 said “We're hoping to increase the amount of our scholarship this year to have a greater impact on another talented Proctor student. Philanthropy Committee is so excited that Social Traditions reached out to us to be a part of the hockey date auction, and we're thrilled about the money that was raised.”

Nine hockey players (one of whom was spontaneously bid on at the end) participated, while the rest of the team was there to lend support from the balcony.  The auction was hosted by veteran Truman Landowski '17 and the highest bid of $145 went to Sam Jones '20.  Runner up was Sterling Bray '20 with $100.  

Social Traditions co-chair  Liz Sherrill ’19 said, “This was a great way to build up the hype for the Citrus Bowl game this Friday night.”   The 12-2-2 men’s team will take on Trinity on Jan. 27, at 7 p.m., in Russell Sage Rink.


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