Nicholas Perry ’11 has been awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Malaysia. Perry is a world politics and Russian studies major.
A Dean’s List student, Perry taught English to elementary school students in rural Thailand for two months in 2006. At Hamilton Perry has been an Outing Club leader, an AYSO Soccer coach for inner-city children, a volunteer at the Rescue Mission and participated in a Habitat for Humanity trip to New Orleans in 2009. He has served as Christian Fellowship activity organizer, advertising manager at The Spectator, a WHCL DJ and captain of three intramural sports teams.
Perry also managed a health care reform campaign for Consumer Reports during a summer internship. He is the son of Susan and David Perry of New York City and a graduate of Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School.
The Fulbright ETA Program, an element of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, places U.S. students as English teaching assistants in schools or universities overseas, thus improving foreign students’ English language abilities and knowledge of the United States while increasing their own language skills and knowledge of the host country. ETAs may also pursue individual study/research plans in addition to their teaching responsibilities.
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright program is the largest U.S. international exchange program offering opportunities for students, scholars, and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching, and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide.