The Great Wall of China

Nothing has been a better conversation starter in my professional life than saying I was a Chinese major. Hamilton’s department is in a class of its own, and my time at Associated Colleges in China brought my Chinese language proficiency and cultural understanding to a level I never thought possible. I will soon begin a consulting position in London, and may move to Hong Kong with the same company shortly afterwards; I know that I would not be on the career trajectory I am now were it not for the education I received at ACC.

Oliver Magnusson "17My time in Beijing offered a new and crucial perspective on global economics and politics. You can read about China’s performance and develop a good understanding of how the economy and political structure function, but nothing replaces being on the ground and learning firsthand. My experience, language training, and cultural understanding have given me a new level of credibility, and I know that it will do nothing but propel my career forward.

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