A paper co-authored by Assistant Professor of Physics Kate Brown was recently published in the New Journal of Physics. “The radial acceleration relation and a magnetostatic analogy in quasilinear MOND” included Leo Kell ’17 as one of Brown’s co-authors; the work was part of Kell’s senior thesis.
Other papers by Brown that included Hamilton students as co-authors have also received attention recently.
“Exploring extra dimensions with scalar fields,” with Mike Verostek ’16 as a co-author, was selected as a featured article in May by the American Journal of Physics. The project was part of Verostek’s senior thesis work.
“An analysis of the LIGO discovery based on introductory physics,” co-authored by Ashton Lowenstein ’17, was translated into Chinese and appeared in a recent issue of the Chinese journal DaXue WuLi (College Physics). The research was related to Lowenstein’s senior thesis.
Originally published last year in the American Journal of Physics, the most recent publication was part of a new collaboration between the two journals that allows DaXue WuLi to reproduce one article from each issue of the American Journal of Physics.