Derek Jones

Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, participated in a conference at Rutgers University Jan. 14th to 16th. The theme of the conference was “Capital Shares and Research Questions in the Social Sciences.”

As a member of a panel for the inaugural issue of the Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership, Jones presented a paper titled “Studies in and the Field of the Economics of Participation and Employee Ownership (POE): An Assessment of mainly empirical work during the first sixty years.”

The paper assessed the impact of studies in and the field of POE during the last 60 years. Jones presented the results of a study that used citation data (from Google scholar and World of Science) both for key terms as well as for influential studies.

A key finding was that “terms that emphasize participation in control, such as employee involvement and employee participation, are cited about five times more frequently than terms that emphasize participation in economic returns such as financial participation or employee ownership.” The article also reviewed the contributions some 30 of the most influential and mainly empirical studies in the field of POE.

Jones also served as a discussant of a paper titled “Democracy at Work: Key Takeaways from DAWI’s National Worker Co-op Census Survey” by Laura Hanson Schlachter of the University of Wisconsin.

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