Hamilton's Cemetery.
Hamilton's Cemetery.
The Utica Observer-Dispatch recalled the friendship between the Rev. Samuel Kirkland, founder of the Hamilton-Oneida Academy, and Skenandoa, chief of the Oneida Indians, in an editorial titled “We must not forget our first allies” (8/6/10). This day marks the 233rd anniversary of the Battle of Oriskany, one of the bloodiest battles of the American Revolution. Oneida warriors and members of the Tryon County Militia fought alongside each other, and many lost their lives when ambushed by the British.

The editorial notes “The friendship between Skenandoa and Kirkland became the catalyst for the Oneidas’ breaking from the Iroquois Confederacy to support the colonial cause – a bond that had never been broken.” Kirkland and Skenandoa are buried next to each other in Hamilton’s Cemetery.

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