Honor Code

I. Honor Code Statement
All students will sign the following pledge at the time they formally accept admission to the College. Students who have not signed the pledge will not be allowed to register for classes.By my signature below, I affirm on my honor that I will abstain from dishonesty in all academic work. I have read and understand the Honor Code and I will abide by its provisions. I will work to strengthen the honor of Hamilton College and its students by upholding the Honor Code myself and working to ensure others do as well.
II. Academic Dishonesty
Any form of academic dishonesty is a serious offense in our community, whether or not it occurs in the context of a course. In the case of coursework, such dishonesty can result in removal from the course with an XW* or assignment of an XF* for the course. Academic dishonesty in coursework or any activity where a student is a representative of Hamilton or that involves any use of Hamilton community resources can also result in separation from the College community. It is essential, therefore, that every student understands the standards of academic honesty and how to avoid dishonesty by proper acknowledgment of intellectual indebtedness. The Honor Court will not excuse a lack of awareness or understanding of what constitutes academic dishonesty. Any attempt to commit any of the following infractions also constitutes academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to:
- Plagiarism. Failure to acknowledge ideas, phrases, data, music, images, or other intellectual property gained from a preexisting body of work. This includes self-plagiarism, or the submission of one piece of work in more than one course without the explicit permission of the instructors involved. Guidelines for proper documentation are available from many sources, including the Library and Writing Center. Guidelines for using sources in oral presentations are available from the Oral Communication Center.
- Stealing, altering, redirecting, or otherwise tampering with the form or content of digital media created or presented by another person without explicit permission of that person.
- Forgery or falsification of academic documents. The chair of the Honor Court, after consultation with the Dean of Students, may remand such complaints to the Judicial Board.
- Misrepresentation or falsification of data.
- Cooperative or collaborative effort in coursework without acknowledgment and explicit permission of the instructor. Assume that acknowledgement is necessary any time you collaborate and/or cooperate, unless you are expressly informed that it is not. This is not meant to inhibit discussion and debate of academic subjects either inside or outside the classroom but to give deserved credit to those to whom we are creatively or intellectually indebted.
- Cheating on assessments. To give or receive assistance from written material, another person, their paper, or any other source, including electronic sources, or to attempt to do so, on any assessment, including but not limited to examinations, homework, or tests. This includes violating the rules of the assessment. The only exceptions will be at the explicit instruction of the teacher of the course.
- The submission of work as one's own that has been prepared by another person.
III. Student Obligation
Aside from refraining from all forms of academic dishonesty, Hamilton students are expected to take proactive steps to support the Honor Code and to respond to incidents of academic dishonesty. Such steps may include: signing the pledges on exams and papers stating that the assignment has been completed in accordance with the Honor Code; informally discussing the Honor Code with other students, especially incoming students; or taking appropriate action when witnessing suspected dishonesty.
Upon Witnessing a Violation of Academic Integrity
Violations of academic integrity are an affront to our community. The bonds which unite us make knowing how to act when you witness a violation difficult. Students who witness violations are required to take appropriate action. What constitutes appropriate action may vary with the case but includes:
- talking to, or confronting, a student who may be violating the Honor Code;
- during an in-class exam, tapping a pencil on a desk to remind other students of their obligations;
- asking an instructor to proctor an exam;
- consulting a faculty advisor or confidant for help; or
- reporting the suspected dishonesty to the instructor of the course, the chair of the Honor Court, or the Dean of Students.
Confronting a suspected violator can be difficult. Integrity is not always easy. But honesty and trust are at the core of every academic enterprise and the mission of Hamilton College. Our community can only thrive on candor and honor.