Hamilton College understands a safe, functional, sustainable, and attractive campus is strongly correlated with educational outcomes and enhanced quality of life for the entire community.  As dedicated caretakers of our historic campus, the professionals within Facilities Management are advancing a culture of sustainability by implementing environmentally conscious practices such as reducing fossil fuel heat sources, conserving water use, and minimizing the release of harmful chemicals.



Facility heating is the biggest contributor to campus greenhouse gas emissions, so replacing our fossil fuel infrastructure is a top priority. Currently, seven buildings are fitted with geothermal heat pumps, which are a cleaner and more efficient alternative. These heat pumps utilize the Earth’s natural heat to provide both heating and cooling, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. With their proven success, expanding the use of geothermal heat pumps across campus is a crucial step towards achieving our emissions reduction commitment.

Additionally, Facilities Management and the Sustainability Office are working to implement mechanisms across campus to  help Hamilton meet its 2030 carbon neutrality goals, to include:

  • LED lighting 
  • Sensored air quality controls
  • Electric mowers
  • Replacement of paper towels with hand dryers
  • Expanding available bike and walking trails 



Through a combination of strategic planning, project execution, and conservation efforts, Hamilton aims to reduce its water intensity over the next several years. Water conservation strategies can happen at a collaborative level and an individual level

  • Monitoring water meters and tracking use

  • Installing high-efficiency restroom fixtures

  • Optimizing cooling tower efficiency

  • Minimizing or eliminating landscape irrigation

  • Managing wetland areas and stormwater runoff

  • Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth
  • Taking shorter showers
  • Using cooking water from pasta and vegetables to give your plants extra nutrition
  • Contacting Facilities Management when pipe leaks occur


Equipment and Materials

EV Fleet

Burning gasoline and diesel in Hamilton’s fleet vehicles and Grounds maintenance equipment represents 324 tons of CO2 emissions annually. Hamilton aims to reduce fleet vehicle and equipment emissions by 50% or more from the 2007 baseline and develop a comprehensive plan for gradual vehicle fleet electrification.

Fertilizer Reduction

Fertilizer use currently emits seven tons of carbon into the atmosphere each year. Hamilton aims to reduce fertilizer emissions by 60% from the 2006 baseline, as we gradually move away from synthetic fertilizers. 

Fugitive Fertilizer Reduction

Fugitive refrigerants are high global warming potential fluorinated gasses that can leak from cooling systems around campus. The Sustainability Office aims to collaborate with Facilities Management to study potential replacements that would reduce refrigerant emissions by 50%.


Contact Name

Brian Hansen

Director of Environmental Protection, Safety and Sustainability

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