  • September’s news highlights ranged from coverage of the Wellin Museum to discussions of agricultural policies and coups d’état.

  • July’s news highlights ranged from women’s basketball to writing a college essay.

  • National and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus. Here are the second quarter’s national news coverage highlights. The articles include expert commentary on wars in Ukraine and Sudan, opinions on civic education, and an explanation of how the concept of race evolved in the Renaissance, among others.

  • June’s news highlights ranged from admission issues to air quality to Russia and President Putin.

  • Communications Office student writer Alejandro Sosa Hernández ’26 recently spoke with Hamilton’s new Associate Vice President and Dean of Admission John McLaughlin, who came to Hamilton after eight years as director of admission at the University of Pennsylvania. The two discussed McLaughlin’s role overseeing all aspects of new student recruitment and selection. Here are some excerpts.

  • From helping out with a family business to attending Arcadia University in London, what Jans choose to do with those few months before officially matriculating is entirely up to them.

  • On Jan. 14, 45 new members of the Class of 2026 officially joined the Hamily. Orientation leaders provided a warm welcome to the January admits as they checked in, moved into their residence hall homes, and got right to it with orientation group meetings, a welcome luncheon with President David Wippman, Dean of Faculty Ngoni Munemo, Vice President for Enrollment Management Monica Inzer, and Dean of Students Chris Card. They signed the College register at matriculation in Buttrick Hall and learned about Hamilton’s Honor Code.

  • November’s news coverage highlights include a profile of alumnus and folk musician Jake Blount ’17, announcement of Hamilton’s new dean of admission, and an interview with the Wellin Museum’s director discussing its 10th anniversary.

  • After over 20 years of experience serving higher education institutions, Janice Scheutzow is taking on the role as executive director of financial aid at Hamilton. She most recently was director of financial aid at Nazareth College in Rochester, N.Y. Scheutzow has also worked in mortgage financing, but her true passion lies in helping students through the financial aid process. As the fall semester begins to wrap up, we sat down with Scheutzow to learn more about her position and impressions of Hamilton so far.

  • After an extensive national search, Vice President for Enrollment Management Monica Inzer announced that John T. McLaughlin will join Hamilton as dean of admission and associate vice president , effective Jan. 3.


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