  • By 6 a.m. on Oct. 4, a group clad in t-shirts and shorts had already gathered outside the former Saunders Hall of Chemistry. As soon as the doors opened, the whir of exercise bikes and the rhythm of treadmills replaced the clatter of construction equipment that had been sounding for the past nine months. The new Charlean and Wayland Blood Fitness and Dance Center was finally open.

  • The sweet sounds of gospel music will fill the Chapel once again when Hamilton hosts its seventh annual Gospel Celebration. Participants of all faiths or musical ability are invited, along with children and families, to share in this uplifting event.

  • Rounds of applause filled Commons on May 16 as employees gathered to salute their administrative, staff and M&O colleagues for milestone service anniversaries. Co-workers also bid a fond farewell to seven employees retiring from the College with a combined total of more than two centuries of service!

  • Hamilton's Alumni Council will present its 2005 Distinguished Service Award to Tim Hicks, director of audiovisual services, during Volunteer Weekend on April 8.  Given annually, the award recognizes an employee who has substantially contributed to Hamilton through distinguished performance in his or her position and through involvement in student, alumni or other activities in the College community. Previous winners include former Hamilton President Gene Tobin and Professor of Theatre Carole Bellini-Sharp.

  • Dave Tewksbury, a photographer and technician in the geology department, created this stunning photocomposite of four images he took during the lunar eclipse on Oct. 27. The photo shows the gradual covering of the moon by the Earth's shadow. Dave took the images with a digital camera with a 500 mm F8 mirror lens.

  • Once again, your mother was right. Chicken soup has been proven to provide relief for cold and flu symptoms.

  • Congestion, sore throat, runny nose — all signs of the common cold. But when you combine those symptoms with fever, achiness and chills, you are most likely one of the 95 million Americans each year to come down with the flu. College campuses are a breeding ground for the flu virus, according to Christine Barnes, director of student health services. "With students in the residence halls, living in such close quarters, all it takes is a few infected students to spread the virus — often before they are ever diagnosed."

  • The Old Farmer's Almanac tells us that we’ll be able to spot a total eclipse of the moon in late October next year. It also advises to plant your early peas between April 19 and May 4 to take advantage of the favorable moon cycle. There’s also information on home remedies for soothing a burn on the roof of your mouth, tips on making wild grape jelly and advice on how old your cow should be before she mates for the first time.

  • Each year to mark the end of the summer harvest and the beginning of the long, cold winter ahead, ancient Celtic nobles assembled for a grand feast. Not ones to miss out on the fun, friendly spirits and ghosts were known to join in the frivolity, sometimes returning in the form of animals, such as crows and cats.

  • Hamilton students will host the 13th-annual Trust Treat, a tradition that brings more than 200 Utica-area children (and kids of Hamilton employees!) to campus for a safe and fun evening of trick-or-treating on Halloween night, October 31.

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