  • “In the early ‘70s, we had a deal where you could leave for January, as long as you convinced Dean Winton Tolles that it had some academic value,” explained Josh Simpson, a 1972 Hamilton graduate, to the audience at the Science Center Kennedy Auditorium. And so Simpson managed to do just that – and Tolles allowed him, as Simpson had requested, to practice glass blowing in Vermont for the duration of that month. Simpson, who is now a professional glass blower, remarked “It was the best thing that had ever happened to me.”

  • LOOK UP, four concurrent exhibitions featuring works by Hamilton College alumni, faculty and students will open in the Emerson Gallery at Hamilton on Monday, Jan. 18.

  • Hamilton students Katerina Adair '10, Katie Anderson '11, and Kenley Stark '11 visited glass artist Josh Simpson '72 at his studio in Shelburne Falls, Ma., this week. The students are working with Susanna White, the Emerson Gallery's associate director and curator, to organize an exhibition of Simpson's work.

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