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There have been 21 presidents in Hamilton’s 212-year history — including the College’s newest leader, Steven Tepper. To mark his inaugural celebration on Sept. 28, 2024, we thought we’d share some highlights and interesting facts from inaugurations past.
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In 2023, the National Endowment for the Humanities awarded Hamilton a grant for its new curatorial studies program, and this summer a handful of students had the opportunity to work behind-the-scenes as interns at regional galleries and museums. We talked with a few about their experiences.
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Self-appointed “dean and docent” of the Hamilton cemetery, Fred Rogers says, "To pluck a blade of grass in the College cemetery is to pull a golden thread that leads deep into Hamilton history." Read about some of the cemetery’s inhabitants.
Come December, 24 students will begin winter break with nearly 200 year’s worth of knowledge about several prominent buildings on campus.
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Students, faculty, and community members at Hamilton College got an intimate look at what campus life looked like more than 120 years ago, thanks to a surprise discovery of a time capsule buried by the class of 1890.
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A 128-year-old time capsule will be opened Tuesday on the front steps of the Burke Library.
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The Emerson Gallery began its final year of programming by opening a recently unearthed time capsule from 1871, so it is perhaps fitting that the last Emerson Gallery event of the year was the official dedication of a new time capsule to be opened on the occasion of Hamilton College’s Tercentennial in 2112
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A time capsule buried by Hamilton’s class of 1871 was opened at the Emerson Gallery on Sept. 15. The event was in conjunction with the Gallery’s new exhibit, Time Capsules and Cornerstones: 200 years of Collective Memory at Hamilton.